Yiwu Fair Exhibition will open in the day after tommorrow. If you want to buy sth.,you can tell us. YiwuSell will have lots of employee in the fair as volunteer.
We can help you to get the latest informations there.
As a larger and better buying agent of Yiwu International Trade City, all of 75000 boothes are our products sourcing base.If you have no time to come here,of course,we can help you to purchase what you want after Yiwu Fair.

Yiwu Fair Information:
Time: 21st — 24 th Oct, 09:00 -17:00
Time: 25th Oct, 09:00 – 14:00
Venue: Yiwu International Expo Center
(No.59 Zongze Road, Yiwu, Zhejiang, 322000 China)

With all-weather landing and taking off conditions, Yiwu Airport, a medium-sized civil airport, operates about 20 air routes to Hong Kong

, Taipei, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Jieyang, Shenyang, Zhuhai, Sanya, Tianjin, Chongqing, Zhengzhou, Urumqi, Chengdu, Kunming, Yinchuan, Guiyang, Wuhan and Dalian.
Why Choose Yiwu Fair
1.Why Yiwu Fair Grows So Fast
Bright Subject of Consumer Goods
The Biggest International Trade Mart
Abundant Purchaser Resources
Best Exhibitors and Products
2.Discovery Trip: endless surprise
Communicate with producers
Concern the latest trend of industries
Attend activities for more business opportunities
97% buyers are satisfied with Yiwu Fair
3.Two Treasure of Yiwu: Yiwu Market=Yiwu Fair Plus
China Yiwu International Commodities Fair is the Micro miniature of Yiwu Market, Knowing the huge Yiwu market at the starting point of Yiwu Fair and enjoying unlimited business opportunities.
Click to see more information about Yiwu market.
4.The first choice of small and medium-sized enterprises:
Trade Fair + International trade comprehensive service platform
Fulfill all the demands of small and medium-sized enterprises in Yiwu Fair:
Creative design zone, service trade zone, logistics and transportation, offshore forwarder, customs declaration certification, foreign trade agents, insurance & legal consultation, cross-border electronic commerce and other high quality suppliers, providing you with perfect international trade comprehensive service.
5.Neighboring Industrial Clusters
Yiwu is the wholesale and distribution hub for/to its neighboring industrial clusters, including:
Capital of Stationery in China – Ningbo
The City of Electromechanical – Jiangshan
Plastic and Rubber Products, Art ware –Taizhou
Shoes, Packaging Material, Electric tools – Wenzhou
The City of Hardware & Doors– Yongkang
“Capital of Socks and Hosiery in China” – Zhuji